The staff and volunteers in the Church leadership provide an amazing pool of talented people who are passionate about the work of LAPC and its impact on their own lives and those of their loved ones and the Community. We are grateful to those who give so much and make LAPC the special place that it is.
Our Leadership

Rev. Emily Brewer
Having served as Interim Pastor here at LAPC, Rev. Brewer applied for the position of permanent Installed Pastor. Ultimately, Rev. Brewer was the recommendation of the church’s Pastor Nominating Committee, which was approved by the Congregation and the Presbytery of New York City.
Rev. Brewer was ordained into ministry through her work with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, and working for peace with justice continues to be a central part of her calling in ministry and life.
She has lived in New York for over a decade, moving initially to attend Union Theological Seminary, and then discovering that her roots here had grown deep.
While Brooklyn is home now, she is forever grateful to the landscapes and people of Tennessee and Guatemala, who have also shaped her.
You can contact Emily at
Read Emily’s Letter to the Congregation (PDF)
Read the Letter of Recommendation from the Pastor Nominating Committee (PDF)

J. David Williams
Director of Music and Organist
Fascinated by the thick, sonorous orchestral sound of the 1923 Austin organ at his childhood church of First Baptist in Paris, TN, J. David Williams began self-study of the organ in junior high school due to a lack of organ teachers in the area. Since then, he has become one of the most gifted organists and musical talents in all New York City. In addition to serving as Director of Music at LAPC, he is Music Director at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in Manhattan. Learn more here:

Janis Russell
Director, The Lafayette Inspirational Ensemble
Since 2001, Janis Russell has been the Director of the Lafayette Inspirational Ensemble, a multi-racial, interfaith choir based out of LAPC. She is also a nationally known jazz and blues singer in her own right. She is most known for her moving contralto tones, but her vocal range spans from soprano to baritone, and she is equally comfortable in jazz, gospel, country, and classical. Janis is also a songwriter and arranger, and has worked as a studio musician, recording jingles and background vocals.
Harriet Bodner
Administrative Assistant
Desmond Montoutte
Financial Secretary
Fekade Sergew
Megan Thomas
Sunday School Supervisor
Also known as Ruling elders, Session members work in collaboration with the Pastor to handle the responsibilities for the life of a congregation. They ensure ministries function well, worship continues and serve as stewards of the business of the church (similar to a corporation’s “Board of Directors”).
Years shown indicate when terms expire.
Clerk of Session: Sandra Long
Evan Bjornen
Michelle Clarke
Fred Doolittle
Cornelius Minor
Janis Russell
Nelson Kezoh
Desmond Montoutte
Fekade Sergew
Megan Thomas
Andrew Wright
Amy Carlson
Charlie Holder-Foster
Katie Kelleher
Debora Kellogg
David Sumner
In collaboration with the Pastor, Deacons provide pastoral care to the congregation and foster an environment of welcome to new and current community members.
Years shown indicate when terms expire.
Deacon Team Leader: Randye Gilliam
Marcia Dowell
Randye Gilliam
Kevin Morris
Victoria Thomasch
Jane Adams
Walis Johnson
Michael Oyelola
Daniel Tracy
Hunter Armstrong
Craig Bannister
Robert Cashill
Ivy Metz
Our community of faith is led by the members of the congregation.
These committees reflect the commitment we have to supporting you, your family and our community. Interested in joining one? Click on the links below to send an email to learn more.
Prayer Team
The LAPC Prayer Team is a group of LAPC members who meet together each week to support the needs of our church, local, national and international community through collaborative congregational and community prayer.
To learn more, contact the Prayer Team
Worship and Music Committee
The Worship and Music committee helps to plan, inspire and innovate worship at LAPC. The committee signs up congregant liturgists for each Sunday, communicates any feedback, coordinates with the Sunday School for participation in service and so much more! It’s a treasured gift that we share with God and one another as a spiritual expression of our faith.
To learn more, contact the Committee
The Usher Team
The team of ushers are an important part of the worship service, as they prepare the sanctuary, greet and welcome all who attend, making sure that everyone receives a bulletin, name tag, and is seated comfortably. They spot new faces and encourage them to sign the Guest Book and they participate in the offering. The Ushers are there to help, if there is a problem.
To learn more, contact the Usher Team
Christian Education
Our growing Christian Education ministry aims to enhance the LAPC experience for youth and adults of all ages by offering targeted learning opportunities and various programs in an inviting and engaging manner. Children benefit tremendously from having a church home that offers an engaging set of learning and social opportunities and adults benefit when sharing their faith journey as they discuss the Bible and the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives.
To learn more, contact the Committee
Social Justice Committee
The overall purpose of LAPC Social Justice Outreach is to identify issues, campaigns and work that directly impact the most marginalized populations of Fort Greene, Brooklyn and beyond. Working with our Pastor, the committee partners with local and national organizations to set priorities for action. We keep our congregation and the community informed on social justice issues. Our sanctuary is used as a meeting place and our volunteers currently work with churches and organizations across the U.S.
To learn more, contact the Committee
Financial and Administrative Committees
Several Committees work with the Session and our Pastor to ensure the smooth operations of the Church, ensuring its financial health, overseeing our personnel and managing our outreach and communications. The Finance Committee monitors the church finances, generates monthly income and expense reports to the Session, leads the annual budget process, oversees the annual audit, and engages in long-term planning to project future revenues and expenditures. Members also tally the Sunday collection, cut checks and make deposits. The Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Pastor are members of this committee and others are welcome to join.
To learn more, contact the Committee
Stewardship Committee
The mission of the Stewardship committee is to fundraise for the annual operations and long-term capital and investment needs of the Church by engaging the congregation in financial support of the church, building membership, applying for grants and using all of our assets and skills both material and personal toward that end.
To learn more, contact the Committee
Personnel Committee
This committee of the Session proposes and implements personnel policies and guides the Pastor in oversight of the staff. They make personnel recommendations when necessary and ensure a safe, productive working environment for the church’s small but mighty team of employees.