Book Talk: Everything Good about God Is True

Image of cover of Book with title, "Everything Good about God Is True", plus photo of author

Book Talk: Everything Good about God Is True

Bruce Reyes-Chow presents Everything Good about God Is True, In conversation with Natalie R. Perkins

Bruce Reyes-Chow — Presbyterian minister, past Moderator of the PCUSA, third-generation Filipino-Chinese American, and a sought-after speaker and writer on topics of faith, culture, politics, race, and technology — presents Everything Good about God Is True, which posits that a better story of faith exists, and it has the capacity to heal the world — if we only embrace, articulate, and live it more courageously. Reyes-Chow teaches a new grammar of faith that breathes fresh meaning into old words like sin, confession, salvation, baptism, communion, and gratitude, and offers his own “faith montage” to help individuals and groups create their own. Reyes-Chow discusses his work in conversation with Natalie R. Perkins of Middle Collegiate Church, along with a reading and book signing.

Presented by Greenlight Bookstore and Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church

The Event is Free to Attend. All are Welcome. Books will be available for purchase.

To RSVP, click here.

Grateful to continue the tradition of hosting so many public events in this place… please join us.


Jun 04 2024


6:00 pm


Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church
85 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, NY