Planned Giving provides an opportunity to care for the things that matter to us even beyond our earthly lives. Many people include a gift in their Wills to the place of worship or a charity that is significant to them. By including Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church in your estate plans, you can ensure that your values and commitment to our Church continue to make a difference for generations to come.
After considering the needs of your family, you may wish to make a gift to LAPC in your Will. By including a gift to LAPC in your estate planning, you have an opportunity to serve people in ways that we as individuals could never accomplish alone.
Planned Giving comes in many forms. Consult with your financial or legal advisor to ensure your wishes are well-planned and that you fully understand any legal and tax implications.
Some Options for Planned Giving Include:
- Remembering Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church in your will.
- Naming LAPC as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy or retirement plan.
- Giving a gift of stock or real estate.
Benefits of Making a Charitable Planned Gift:
- You have the satisfaction of knowing that the work you supported in this life can be carried on after your death.
- You have a chance to say “thank you” to an organization that has been particularly helpful or meaningful to you and your family during your lifetime.
- You can designate your gift as a memorial to loved ones.
- Most charitable gifts are deducted from the estate before taxes, possibly resulting in reduced taxes for your heirs.
A planned gift is not about the amount of money you can give away—it is about the legacy you want to leave after your death. No bequest is too small.

Download and Review the LAPC Planned Giving Informational Brochure
Have the LAPC Stewardship Committee contact me about the LAPC Gift Policy
Leave a lasting legacy. We would love to speak to you about Planned Giving. Call the Church at 718-625-7515 or send an email to and request that a committee member get in touch with you.

Download and Review the LAPC Planned Giving Letter of Intent