Support the Restoration and Repair of LAPC’s Sanctuary Ceiling
For over 25 years, LAPC has been faithful in restoring our historic church building. During the mid-1900s maintenance was deferred but it became obvious in the late 1990s that our attention and resources had to focus on preserving this 160 year old edifice. Our Opening Doors Capital Campaign is essential to raise funds necessary to address the urgent restoration work to maintain its structural integrity and preserve this important community asset for the future.
Our next priority is the restoration and repair of our Sanctuary ceiling and raising $55,000 by November 1, 2024 to launch the first step of a three step project to reopen our Sanctuary.
In August 2023, an 8’x4’ section of the plaster ceiling crashed to the floor, which resulted in the closing of our Sanctuary. We are grateful there were no injuries. With a $25,000 emergency grant award from the National Fund for Sacred Places, in early 2024 LAPC’s architectural firm conducted a full study of the ceiling’s condition to determine the cause and extent of the failure and suggested remedies to address those conditions. Read the Architect’s report on the Sanctuary Ceiling Condition.
Support Our Sanctuary Ceiling Project – Donate today!
Your tax deductible donation will support LAPC’s efforts to repair and restore our beautiful Sanctuary ceiling. All donations to the Opening Doors Capital Campaign will be restricted solely for the purposes of that campaign. Thank you!
The Repair and Restoration of the Sanctuary ceiling will be done in three steps.

Step #1: Fundraise to enlist our architects to produce the scope of work, construction drawings and specifications for submission and approval and a permit issued by the NYC Department of Buildings, prepare bid documents and manage the bidding process. Cost: $55,000. Timing: 6 months – 1 year.
Step #2: Secure competitive construction bids which will determine the cost of the project and secure the necessary funds to start the restoration work. Timing and Fundraising Goal: TBD
Step #3: Once the necessary funding is secure, award the project to a general contractor. Duration of construction is estimated to take 9 months to 1 year.

Click Here to View the Report from August 2024
In Fall 2022, LAPC launched a $1.2 million Front Foundation Capital Project with the support from NY Landmarks Conservancy, a generous $250,000 matching grant from the National Fund for Sacred Places and the support of Partners for Sacred Places.
Everything and more has been accomplished: Masonry work to waterproof and stabilize the front foundation walls and brick piers that support the front façade, narthex, and arch above. We refurbished and restored the front entrance doors, original lanterns above the doors, steps and installation of new front bluestone plaza. The plans to install an ADA ramp will be addressed in our next phase.
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The LAPC Opening Doors Campaign wishes to thank the support of the National Fund for Sacred Places and team at Partners for Sacred Places, the New York Landmarks Conservancy’s Sacred Sites Program, The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund for Historic Interiors of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the generosity of our congregation, neighbors, and friends in Brooklyn, Korea and around the world.

Please use this “Donate” button. Or, you can mail us a check to the address below, and remember to write “Capital Campaign” in the memo line.